Things I was called by a crazy lady on the bus today:
And then she told me that I was dumb? racist? something, I can't remember what, for voting for Obama (I have an Obama pin on my jacket) and that I should vote for my own kind. This crazy lady was definitely a minority (although she was yelling at the bus driver too, telling him that he was from Africa, a n$%$@er, and that he should go home because this country wasn't interested in him) person, though I couldn't tell you which. In the course of her rantings (ongoing until she was kicked off the bus by the driver), she said she wouldn't vote for Obama but for John McCain, and the reasons, though hazy (the product of a ranting crazy woman, really), seemed to be racist.
Whatever. Interesting bus ride. The whole bus was holding its breath until this woman was kicked off. Nobody was sad to see her go.