- Bermuda Highway -- My Morning Jacket. Not one of my favorite MMJ songs.
- Tiny Dancer -- Elton John. What is there to say about this song. Classic early Elton John, and classic early Elton John is a pure pleasure to listen to.
- Extreme Ways -- Moby. I like Moby a lot, actually. Not this song, but I've always liked Moby for when I want an album that I can a) dance to or b) relax to. There are Moby albums that you can do both to.
- In This Country -- Chicago. I only own one Chicago album, Chicago II, but I killed this album in high school. I listened to it ALL. THE. TIME. I fell out of that in college, but recently, I decided it'd probably be good to have it on the old podster. I don't listen to it often, but I do still like it.
- Eleanor Rigby -- The Beatles. Sigh. More pure pleasure.
- Little Earthquakes -- Tori Amos. So, my freshman year of college, I fell asleep to this CD every single night, on headphones. (There was MUCH to drown out, that year.) Incidentally, this is the only song on the album I simply don't care for. I adore the rest of it, though.
- Dogs of L.A. -- Liz Phair. I know there are people who adore Exile in Guyville, and I mean, ok, I'm sure it's fine. But I've always been a big Whip-smart fan (I almost typed phan, there, which makes sense, eh?), and I like this song just fine. Frankly, who else could sing a line like, "The shit brown reservoir is a testament to the dogs of L.A." so well? I'm not sure.
- Title and Registration -- Death Cab for Cutie. Ah, the album I killed after the election of '04. That absolutely horrible time in my life is marked very strongly by the album, though not specifically this song. I most likely skipped this song to get to something more depressing, like "Transatlantacism" itself.
- I Love You (Live) -- Sarah McLachlan. Crap song. Musician I don't listen to very often, though I can't say why, as some of her songs are pretty damn good. Mostly from Fumbling Towards Ecstasy.
- Nothing Really Matters -- Madonna. Oh yeah. Maybe you hate Madonna, and that's just fine, but I don't, and I think this might be her best album of recent years. Seriously, I like this song a great deal, mostly for the fact that it makes me want to dance like crazy. I'm not big on dancing in clubs, but I do have a secret single behavior (Sam doesn't even really witness it.) Every once in a while, I put on some good dancy music, and dance. Just for the fun of it. I like it. This is perfect for that. Shit, it's making me dance at my desk.
And one bonus song: Sabotage -- The Beastie Boys. You ain't lived until you've head everyone you know attempt this song on Rock Band. Bonus points for trying to sing it in the bizarre falsetto that the Beastie is singing in. Also, it's very boring to play on bass and guitar in Rock Band, though I'm not sure about drums. Kate? How's Sabotage on drums? Anyway, I always see the video for this song in my head while listening to it. Doesn't everyone? It made a very big impression on my teenage mind. It made a very big impression on all of our minds, I think, because the year I was a junior? maybe, the high school's talent show opened with this song playing, and my classmates running onto stage dressed as, well, the Beasties in the video. I'll probably never forget that. Strange, what you remember. "Oh my god it's a mirage, I'm tellin' all y'all it's sabotage."