If the next time you see me one of my eyes is bulging out and bloodshot, it will be because of the expressways in the fine metro area of Chicago. The area is fine; the expressways are not. All week, the commute was bad. One morning there was a stalled truck in the center lane before Harlem. Yesterday afternoon, the commute was literally the WORST commute I have had in 2 full years of doing this. I've never seen it backed up so far, or crawling along so slowly. It took me a very long time to get home (though due to weather, I've had longer commutes), which is infuriating when all it is due to is bad drivers or too many drivers. This morning, in by far the worst expressway experience of my entire life, I hit and drove over SOMETHING that flattened my rear passenger tire, though thankfully not until after I had arrived at work. Essentially, I stood outside my car and watched the tire deflate. (And so sadly, this was also the tire that I had replaced about 3 months ago, after it was clearly reliably deflating every 2 days or so; that was due to a nail.) I don't know what I hit. I was going fast; I was watching the road carefully (I was in heavy traffic), and the guy in front of me swerved only slightly, so I thought he was looking at traffic ahead. But then before I could register the item, I had hit it instead of swerving, and et Voila! Flat tire. The replacing of which led me to be on the expressway a full hour later than normal on my commute home. 4 pm on Friday? I dare you to take the Ike.
So suffice it to say, it was an exhausting week based just on the commute. But then on Tuesday, we went to see Coldplay (meh.), and then I took Wednesday off. I cleaned, basically. I cleaned the house fairly thoroughly, and then the girls came over for Rock Band and Project Runway. At 3:45 am on Thursday morning (Wednesday night?), I awoke and smelled the heinous smell of burning plastic. After a blind search around the room with Sam's help, we came up with nothing smoking, and nothing warm. So we went back to bed. Or rather, he went back to bed while I laid in bed and tried to figure out what the hell we would do if the apartment burned while we were at work. The hard drives! All my books! HIS HARD DRIVES! The damn mostly finished cross stitch would be gone! My new dress! So I fretted, and I fretted. I slept some, but it wasn't good sleep. It was "am I going to die from smoke inhalation?" sleep. So I took a half-assed nap on Thursday, and then I went to a super-fun crafty thing with my sister (thanks Kate!) but which exhausted me and kept me adrenalized all at the same time. So I slept poorly again last night. And then this morning, and the flat tire. I just feel weary right now. (And the thought that I might have jury duty on Monday isn't helping that.)
All the while, mind you, I've been trying to figure out if I'm going to apply to grad school--for the Spring '09 semester. I thought I was going to; I talked about it, acquired some transcripts, talked to a couple people who would do recommendations for me, and the more I did, the worse I felt about it. I believe pretty strongly that something that is truly wrong will feel truly wrong, that you'll just know it. And the growing dread I was feeling about grad school just really made me uneasy. I shouldn't be dreading it, I really shouldn't. I can't cry every day because I don't want to be doing what I'm doing. So during my long half-sleep night on Wednesday, I decided that the right thing, right now, is to NOT do it. Saying it, and telling my recommenders of the decision was like....like the biggest weight off of me. I'm still intending to do it at some point, but I need to be in a space where it doesn't feel like the worst thing ever. I don't know how to describe the feeling I've been having about it, other than to say I've only really felt this badly about a decision (the decision to go, not the decision to not go) when I took a job out of desperation after the LTA program's end. I sat in my interview and I KNEW I would be miserable at the job. I KNEW it was the wrong thing for me. But I did it because everyone said it'd be a good starting place in the library world and I did need to have some income coming in. Three days into the job, I quit. I WAS miserable. I felt simply awful every minute I knew that I had to go there. Listen, it just felt wrong. Everything about it felt wrong.
And that's how this grad school thing felt. I do feel some trepidation because I do feel a LOT of pressure from the outside to get that damn MLS. A lot of people have told me I'm too smart not to get one, and a lot of people have used others who are in the process of getting them to really try to goad me into one. Young people who want to work in libraries just get the MLS. It's what they do. There's a sort of "why the hell not?" attitude about it. And I don't have an answer that will make any sense to anyone else, because there are about a hundred good reasons to get it. But the biggest reason for not getting it is the one that keeps rearing its ugly head, and it's inside me. For whatever reasons, it just doesn't feel right to me. And I need to listen to that part of me, and silence everything around me, and do what's right for me (and will ultimately be right for Sam, who now won't have to deal with a miserable partner every day of the week). Like I said, this isn't never. This is just....not right now.
And so I did mean to blog all this all week, I really did. But it was one thing after another, and it just didn't happen. This long post'll have to do.