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March 13, 2008


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1. I can't understand how you manage to remain friends with me, given that I am very nearly incapable of being on time. Well, I'm getting better - and should, since I have been actively trying to be better for the last two years solid, at least. The main blessing, for our friendship at least, is that we usually meet either after work, where there is absolutely no temptation to dawdle beforehand or for a concert, which is the only exception to my chronic lateness. I find it very disturbing to be late to a concert. Only recently could I bring myself to intentionally miss an opening act that I know I won't like.

2. I find it fascinating that you don't pay much attention to directions. It flies in the face of your timeliness and planning addictions.

3. Though you love to win, you aren't a bad winner. Of course, it is easy to be nice to the last-place finisher when you are in first, but I never saw much trash-talking or anything like that in our fantasy league.

Also, I am still talking about your mad trivial pursuit skills from the one game we played damn near ten years ago. Holy crap! Can you believe our junior year was almost ten years ago?!?!


1. I remain friends with many people who are late a lot. I date one of them, after all. When we didn't live together, things could get very hairy with his lack of timeliness. And actually, HA, one of the only times I actually prefer to be late nowadays is a concert. I'm firmly in the camp of skipping opening bands unless they are AWESOME, and even then, I'm kinda like....enh. Whatever. No more of that sitting around and waiting for the concert to start for me. Interesting that we're opposites in that way.

2. Yeah, I mostly just know my way around now. I've got very complete maps in my head of quite a few urban and suburban areas, so I'm usually just....good. One of my weird quirks is my semi-photographic memory, and if I look at g-maps once, I can usually picture a route. And if I miss a turn or something, I don't get perturbed because I still usually know exactly where I am. Plus, now that I live in the city I'm very good with the numbering of streets, so I can always find my way around by that.

3. And thanks! I still love Trivial Pursuit, but no one ever wants to play with me. I think I can count on one hand the number of TP games I've played since that day however many years ago.

And HOLY M-F-ING SHIT, do you know that Rome was September 1998? That's what? Six months away? That's even more crazy to me. Must've been in what, October? that we discovered a common love for DMB (if I remember right...)while wandering around that city. That's...insane. Totally insane.

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