I've made my fascination with you know on this website. I think you're a funny guy; I've read both of your books, seen all your movies and both Evening With... dvds, and I've listened to 39 SModcasts. And man, I'm telling you, you have to stop with the fat-hatred. Stop with the protests for a second and think about something. Think about your little daughter.
Are you thinking about her? Good. Now think of what an incredibly destructive environment you've placed her in, this little person who you've publicly said is the image of you. If you hate yourself and your weight so much, what do you think it's going to teach her? It's going to teach her to hate herself, and she might binge and go one step further than you do, and purge. Or she might revile her body so much, as taught by yourself, that she'll starve herself to look more like her slender, fit mother. You're placing your daughter in harm's way by not prizing who you are (and by extension, who she is) as you are.
Children are sponges, and even if she's not listening to your SModcasts or reading your blog, or taking in any of the very public fat loathing you put out there, she lives in your home, and she watches you go on that liquid diet to try to starve your body to a smaller size. She sees you binge when you come off that diet, or binge when you feel emotionally needy. Most of all, she sees that you think you're not good enough to be loved by her mother. Her skinny, beautiful mother.
I can't judge your diet from where I sit. And I don't want to, because I'm no skinny-minnie over here, in the mid-west. As you've said in the podcast, you feel comfortable in Chicago because more people look like you. I look more like you. But I do want to speak out as someone who has struggled so much with self-fat-loathing, as someone who grew up in a household where fat-loathing was an immediate fact of life. I want to speak out and tell you to let. it. go. Stop the cycling of denial and fulfillment. Stop setting such a detrimental example for someone who is, ultimately, fragile and vulnerable to you, one of her primary parents.
And to be quite honest, I almost can't listen to those SModcasts when you talk so hatefully about your size, because it makes me, a fat girl, hate myself a little more than I did a minute ago. I've made so many inroads into my own pain and hatred and fear about this issue. I've stopped the dieting and the bad/good food dichotomy in my life. I've learned to eat more intuitively (though I work at it, still, and probably always will--it's so hard to lose that dichotomy, so hard), and I've learned to let my eyes see me as other people do. As my wonderful boyfriend does, as my mom and my sister do, as the people who love me do. It's so damn hard, Kevin. I can't lie. It's hard because I was raised in a place that didn't teach me to love myself as I am.
Please, please, I implore you, please for the sake of your beautiful, sweet little girl, stop. Stop and work yourself into a healthy mindset. See a therapist if you need to. Ask your wife for help. Ask your many, many friends and fans for help. Or use your will-power to do it. I don't care how it happens, but seek out some way to stop yourself. And I'm not telling you to get skinny (Ha! As if it's so easy.), I'm telling you to begin the process of accepting who you are and letting yourself be that person. Whatever that means about your appearance. Do it for the sake of your daughter.
Still a fan--