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January 04, 2008


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I think Huckabee will be the Howard Dean of 2008 - early showings that fizzle into nothing.

The Rolling Stone did a story on him entitled "Our Favorite Right Wing Nut Job". Here's a quote from the story: "Because for all his political waffling in other areas — Huckabee has flip-flopped on a host of earthly political issues, from taxes to local control of school boards — he leaves absolutely no doubt about his commitment to religious wackohood...In the first Republican debate in New Hampshire, Huckabee, apparently unaware that human beings are primates, responded to a question about evolution by saying, "If anybody wants to believe that they are the descendants of a primate, they are certainly welcome to do it.""

This man cannot possibly be electable.


Here's a link to the story.

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