The more I read about Obama, the more I like him. Mind you, I know I've announced my support for John Edwards, and I still feel that way (I cannot get enough of Edwards talking about the pronounced inequalities of America, and I still love him for talking about poverty when no one else is and when it's an escalating problem), but I am having a really, really hard time not getting swept up into Obama-mania. Some of the things I read today have nearly brought me to tears, and it's a sad truth that I like nearly everything that makes me feel like crying in a good way. Obama's win, in some ways, is breaking my heart. In a good way! It's hard to explain, but it's like my favorite music. The beauty of it makes your heart feel large and your eyes well up and sometimes spill over. As much as I support Edwards, Obama makes me FEEL something, and it's something that's pretty near unquantifiable: pride in my country, love for it, hope for the future, sheer joy and the overwhelming trepidation that comes with wanting something so badly. On NPR, they were playing portions of his speech from last night, and his voice just sends chills up my back. There is a simple power to him, and it's something else. It's indescribable. It just is. I can't think when a speech has made me feel that way--at least, not a speech made by a contemporary person.
I've said all along that part of the reason some of us hate Bush so much is that he's made us ashamed to be Americans. Barack Obama is seemingly going to be the opposite. He's going to be a president that makes me (and probably lots of us) proud to be Americans again.
Who am I voting for in our primary? It's getting murkier and murkier for me, but I'll say this: I love that I have two choices that make me happy. I will feel genuine pleasure in voting for either Edwards or Obama, and that's the best feeling about politics I've had in a long time.
do you think, if the Dem ticket ended up being Obama for President and Edwards for Veep, you might die on the spot from sheer excitement? Because that's kind of how I feel.
Posted by: Mavis | January 07, 2008 at 03:54 PM