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December 06, 2007


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Between Giulianni, Huckabee, or Romney, only Giulianni really has a shot.
Huckabee has publicly stated that he does not believe in evolution and, though there may be many hard-core Christians who agree with him, I seriously doubt he'll have a shot at winning. If the republicans were dumb enough to put him as their candidate (and they might be), that sort of thing will come out and there is no way he'd win. That, and it has recently come to light that he basically got a convicted rapist released from prison 25 years early as a political move (you'd have to find a news story, I'm incapable of explaining here) and the guy went and raped and murdered another woman.

As for Romney, there is no way a Morman will get elected President in the next ... well, I don't know that the US would ever elect a Morman. There's too many rumors and unknown factors there. As a country, we're suspicious of the unknown and, with the exception of Utah, Mormonism is generally an unknown. Sadly, most of my knowledge on the topic comes from "Big Love" and "South Park."

Somehow, I got a subscription to Newsweek. I didn't order it, but it comes to my house, so that's why I know a couple of things about the Republican candidates. Usually, I ignore them until the general election.

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