Yesterday, I put my iPod on shuffle, and only one out of about every 8 songs was acceptable. Either my standards have gone WAAY up, or my iPod's behaving like a cheeky git and playing crap songs to annoy me. I'm leaning towards cheeky git. Hopefully it will behave more reasonably this morning, as I start my morning at work in the dark, and with the rare morning DC. (I don't allow myself a DC in the morning very often, as I know it could easily become habit.) Without any more fanfare:
- My Party -- Kings of Leon. Oh, hell. It's not that I don't like this song, it's just that it's sort of loud to start off an early morning shuffle. It's definitely NOT my favorite song on the album.
- For You Blue -- The Beatles. This is kind of a throwaway, isn't it? I don't hate this song (is it loathe-able even?), but I definitely don't love it either. This version, just to be accurate, is from "Let It Be...Naked" which everyone knows is infinitely better to the bestringed version of the album.
- Fool to Think -- DMB. I never listen to this song. God, I never listen to much Dave Matthews anymore. And even if I were, I wouldn't be listening to "Everyday" anyway, so this song doesn't register at all.
- Baby -- Dave Matthews. Ah, I can see the iPod is NOT behaving. Even if this is Dave Matthews solo. I never much got into this album, save for a few good songs, of which this is not one. Again, currently I have very little use for this.
- Knot Comes Loose -- My Morning Jacket. I like this band, but only if the songs are chosen very, very carefully. And I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing I like about seeing them live. For some reason, this is a band that best exists in the studio for me, which is probably contrary to how most other people feel about them. But then again, there's no way I could listen to one of their albums straight through. Sam's made me a nice mix, and that's enough.
- Superstition -- Stevie Wonder. Awwww, yeah. This song is good all the time, even in the early morning, when slow songs feel better.
- Devil's Haircut -- Beck. I think that among a certain crowd, it's very important to consider Beck a genius. I don't belong to that crowd. Thus I don't feel bad that I don't consider Beck a genius. I like some of the older songs (and the one later album that's slow as Molasses and feels just right sometimes...Sea...something. Having a brain fart.), the songs that remind me of being in high school and feeling allllllright. This is definitely one of those songs.
- Dusty -- Kings of Leon. Stupid iPod. Not listening to this one either.
- Old Brown Shoe -- AWWWW CRAP, iPod. This song is undigestible, and might get my vote for Worst.Beatles.Song.Ever.
- Is It Any Wonder? -- Keane. Save for the beginning of this song, which is just noisy, this is okay. I actually quite like Keane, and even their sophomore effort is okay (which this song is from), which is more than can be said of many bands whose first album was incredible. It's not the best song from the album, but close.