My dad remembered, and I didn't. Today is Anti-Thanksgiving. So here you are, two posts for the day. All the things I am NOT grateful for:
- Hunger. The end column in this week's Newsweek by Anna Quindlen was about the food shortage in this country. Apparently, the government is giving less food out than ever before, so it's even more important that we donate food around these holiday times--but also, all year round. People NEVER have to stop eating.
- Seaweed and Wasabi. Damn those two things, keeping me from the eating of the sashimi and sushi. I hate the gag reflex that happens immediately upon putting those things in my mouth.
- DRM. It may seem like a small thing, but it's really important, when you think about it. DRM is CHANGING the idea of purchasing something. It's changing buying to renting, and it's very dangerous. What's next? Clothes that dissolve after 20 washes? Oh wait, that's the quality of some things these days, the things we clamor to pay less and less for, as more and more people go poor for our want of cheap.
- Laundry. Does anyone like doing laundry? If so, I applaud you, because I just CANNOT get excited about doing it, any of it. Especially the folding.
- Gas prices. Even driving my hybrid, I'm feeling the crunch. I know it's our fault, and I know we deserve it, because we built this society that depends on gas so freaking much, but it's still depressing. And honestly, how much have Sam and I cut our dependence? We are a one-car household--and a hybrid one at that. But it still sucks.
- People who don't take care of their animals. Look, we bred them this way. We tamed them, and bred them for the docility. Now we owe them. We owe them good care if they're a pet, and if a food animal, we owe them the most humane life and death we can give them. If you can get off feedlot meat, do it. If you can get off pork and chicken factory meat, do it. It's not good for the animals, and you know what? That's probably not good for you.
- Leg cramps. And various other cramps. All cramps. I'm not grateful for them at all.
That's really all I can drum up right now. Oh, there are thousands of other little things that I'm not grateful for--asshole drivers, assholes in general, asshats, asswipes, you get the picture--but these are the things I'm really coming up with now.
So thanks dad, for reminding me NOT to be thankful.