I don't have much use for them. Pockets, I mean. I carry a purse 99.9% of the time, which makes pockets sort of redundant. Or the pockets make the purse redundant. Either way, you can cram a lot more into a purse than you can a pocket, so I stick with the purse. There are two exceptions: I usually stow my Chicago Card into my pocket, for easy grabbing when the bus comes, and I almost always eschew a purse for a trip to the public library across the street, instead stuffing my library card into a pants pocket.
Here is the downside of that: today, I need reading material badly, and my library card must be in the pants that I wore the last time I went to the library. That's bad. I'm not even sure which pants that was, so I'm going to have to go home today and dig through all my pants until I find it. No matter if I tell myself on the walk back from the library to take the card out of my pants; I never do, and I'm always lacking the card when I want it. This happens with my transit card too. I'll be ready to walk out the door, but sans card. Then I have to go dig through pants to find the card.
Tangentially, I have been going to the library about twice a week since...the summer started. I just got to the point, with a car payment and so on, that I knew I couldn't be buying hundreds of dollars of books every month. I still only check out the new books (which is part of the reason my Amazon wishlist is hundreds of miles long), and that limits what I'm getting, but for the most part, I can keep myself in books. I get bored, and occasionally try to pluck something off my unread bookshelves, but for the most part, my book reading has been confined to library books for the last few months. It's okay; I'm not a super-choosy reader, so it works out. But the public library is SADLY lacking in new romance novels, and I miss those. I also am not getting ANY science fiction in, because they're either not getting what I like, or I'm missing it. I know I'm saving a lot of money. Rationally, I do know this. But man oh man, it hurts me to walk into a bookstore and not be able to buy. This is like dieting, I know it is. I'm going to have a major binge one day, but it's not going to be food. It's going to be books.