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July 10, 2007


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I'm so sorry that this happened to you. It sucks when someone catches you off guard and makes you feel unsafe. Although, I have to say, I think you were right to trust your instincts and get away from that guy. I don't think you were responding to his skin color. I think if some white guy (or asian, latino, or any other ethnicity) said that to you and looked at you like you said this guy did, you would have felt the same way. I don't know if that would have made you tell someone or not, but I don't think his race is what made you feel unsafe. You're smarter than that. The fact that it occurs to you to look into whether or not you were responding to a threat to your personal safety, or whether the threat was percieved because of his race, tells me that you were NOT uncomfortable because of his race, but because of his general pervy-ness. Personally, after being in Rome, where I was accosted a couple of times (I don't frequently get that sort of attention here usually), I am always sort of leary of loner guys who ask me for something. They might be asking for directions, or the time - something completely innocent - but if they are alone and they are asking me while I'm alone, I'm always on high alert.

It sounds to me like this particular guy was a skeevy asshole, regardless of his color.

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