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July 09, 2007


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So glad you're back!

Helmets - I always wore one if I was biking in the city, to commute. ie, if I was going to be in the company of cars constantly, I wore a helmet because drivers are dumb. If I was riding on the path by the lake, I went without the helmet because, though there are obstacles there, I didn't feel like I was in much danger.

Shorty Bike - this will be tough. Maybe one of those hybrid/recliner bikes? It seems like the seat is lower on those, so maybe closer to the pedals? I think cruisers are definitely out for you - not that you want one, but that's what I have, and I have the seat almost as low as it goes. I have freakishly long legs for my height (and virtually no torso), so I don't think it would work for you. Village Cycle Center has a really big selection, and good customer service. Good luck!

Mmmmm DQ. My favorite part of having moved to the suburbs is the proximity of the DQ. It's important to set limits, though, as Mr would let me go every single night. So, I have to pretend like I don't know it's there. Hopefully, Sam will be a good blocker for you, so that it remains a treat you really enjoy, and not something you kill by getting too often (as I am in danger of doing).


I honestly think helmet. If i get a bike (what's the news with that, by the way?) I'll be helmeted up.


Wear a helmet! Looking uncool is a small price to pay when you think about what would happen if you fell off your bike and hit your head! For a bike that fits, take a look at Terry Bicyles (http://www.terrybicycles.com/) I think that Village Cycle Center recommended by the above visitor might know about these fabulous bikes for women--including the one designed for women who are, shall we say, of small stature! S.N.

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