The tag line for these ads: "Forget about it. Men's preference will never change. Fit Light Yogurt."
These ads are possibly some of the most revolting I've ever seen. Not because of the pictures, which I actually think are quite beautiful, especially the gorgeous, gorgeous (and probably, sadly, airbrushed) girl laying in the roses, but because of the tag line, which makes me want to hurl and scream and throw things at whoever approved this ad. It's not an American ad, so you're not going to see it here, thank god.
It's just that old thing rearing its ugly head: fat girls can't be pretty and they can't look good and they only eat decadent full fat yogurt. (Of course, full fat yogurt is SOOOO bad for you, and will immediately pork you up. Ha.) It's just so galling that someone thought these images would be revolting to men....or did they? Possibly they're just trying to make girls find them revolting, which isn't hard to believe at all, because I think women actually fear and hate fat more than men do. Sam's never, ever made a peep about me that way, and in fact goes out of his way to adore me and compliment me and it's me who hates my body, not him. This ad, actually, is extraordinarily effective, because it skews how women think, making them believe that men find these images revolting. Which come to think of it, I'm not at all sure they would.
It's pretty sad the head job that's being done on women, making them feel fat when they're not, making them feel ugly when they're not, and in general putting an artificial pressure on them to look like an anorectic. I fight it every single damn day, and I'm fighting against society and myself, but you know, I'm not fighting against Sam, or most men even. I don't have any reason to believe, astonishingly enough, that men wouldn't find me attractive just as I am now. Only I think I'm an ugly piggy. These ads? Feeding that. And it makes me sad.
More (and more intelligence) on this at Feministe and Pound.
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