Yep, it's today. Today is Sam and my five-year anniversary. I say the same thing every year--who knew? And, I'm so lucky. The impulse to say both things is still in me. I still sometimes marvel at the idea that we're together five years after our first, strange upside-down kiss. And I still do feel lucky, lucky that someone I liked very much somehow liked me too, enough to kiss me and embark on a relationship with me. Then again, he had NO idea what he was in for.
He's my best friend, and he's my lover, and he's everything to me. It's sappy and it's probably icky for some of you to think about, and when else do I say it this way? I hope we're lucky enough to have a lifetime of 5-year anniversaries. So, happy anniversary to us. Five years ago tonight.
Happy anniversary! :)
Posted by: comebacknikki | June 11, 2007 at 11:35 AM