I really want to go to BlogHer. In the worst way. It's in my town, so close to my apt. I could almost (althought, sheesh) walk there. In fact, if I wanted a nice long walk, I could walk there. The dilemma is that it costs 104.something to register for one day. And the one day I want to attend (I'm not so interested in Day Two), I will be attending an evening wedding. I don't think that paying 104.something for a half day's attendance is worth it. Furthermore, I don't think I can afford to pay that much for what is just a chance for me to listen to some of the bloggers I love reading. I just can't afford it. That's all.
I've written to BlogHer to see if there is any chance of half-day registration, but I'm not holding out any hope. What should I do? The wedding is so important to me; it's not one of those, "I barely know you but you invited me" sort of a wedding. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that I'm jumping at the chance to go, and I won't jeopardize that with a conference, no matter how freaking much I'm DYING to go. Argh. I guess I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that a half day thing is a reality, even though duh, I know it won't be.
Okay, now I'm just repeating myself. Back to TV.
Update: Elisa from BlogHer contacted me and offered me a pre-conference volunteering opportunity in exchange for a one-day pass. I turned her down, because I think the volunteering would be a much larger time (and possibly gas money) committment than I have time for. I'm busy the next 5 weekends, if you count this one. I want to stress though that Elisa was incredibly geneous with her offer, and my not going is now on me, not them. I appreciate the offer immensely. It's just a really busy summer, I guess.