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January 22, 2007


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If you remember what Drew Brees looked like in the 4th quarter yesterday just substitute Payton Manning. The Bears will make him uncomfortable back there. The Bears are definitely good enough to win the game. Am I sure of it? No, because anything can happen which is why they play the games. The prediction pundits are a pathetic plethora of know nothings(I was trying to use as many p words as possible there). If the Bears play well, they will win the championship regardless of how Indy plays. If the Bears play poorly and Indy plays well, it will not be a fun Super Bowl. I'm feeling really good about our chances in this one.


Peter King's defensive player of the week: Adewale Ogunleye
Peter King's special teams player of the week: Brad Maynard
Peter King's coach of the week: Ron Turner
(Ok, he did pick Peyton Manning as the offensive POW).

And, by Friday of each week, SI did pick the Bears to win both of their playoff games.

I give no credence whatsever to the Fine 15 listing as a harbinger of SI's Super Bowl prediction.

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