Remember how I think bananas are the devil? Yeah, not so much anymore. I've been eating close to one banana a day now for a few weeks. Since I started the diet. I've discovered that I don't like them unless they're very ripe, and that it's necessary for me to leave the last few bites. I can't eat those. And though I still don't love them, they're palatable. They fill you up enough to make you feel like you can make it to dinner.
In other food news, I'm suddenly eating broccoli all the time too. My favorite dinner right now? Scrambled egg + egg whites, with Laughing Cow cheese, a bagel and steamed broccoli with lemon and a little salt. I've eaten it twice in the last week. It's weird. I used to think broccoli had a foot-like taste, but I'm not so sure anymore. I will say that I like it really mushy, and I think my mom used to steam it so it had some crunch to it. That makes me feel kind of uncomfortable inside. And actually, I try to cut a lot of the tree-trunky part of the broccoli off, because that part sucks. And the lemon juice part is just because it makes broccoli taste better than without. I actually squirt lemon juice onto almost all the steamed veggies I eat because it tastes better to me that way. I like citrus.
Which brings me to the next food item I can't get enough of: clementines. I'm eating two a day, usually. I eat them as a snack, because they're so very low point. I remember two years ago when I first dieted, I ate clementines like mad, and I've found that this is no different. I don't like regular citrus fruit all that much, but there's something about the ease of eating these that makes them appetizing. There's less white crappy rind stuff left on the fruit as you're peeling it, and thus you don't have to taste that bitterness. And no seeds! Love them, love them, love them. I think I'm going through a bag of the "cuties" in about a week and a half. Mmmm, it's too early for a snack, but now I'm craving clems!
Oh yeah. GO BEARS!