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November 15, 2006


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I know this is going to be immediately dismissed because I'm a guy, but your argument is almost completely bullshit. I don't think we've seen any "pretty girl" obnoxiousness out of Karen. I don't think she flirts gratuitously, in fact it's almost the same type of flirting that Pam did. In this case, it seems as though you're arguing exclusively on the basis of her BEING prettier, rather than anything she's actually done. Which is just as bad as judging someone solely on the basis of their frumpiness.

I don't think Karen has seemed remarkably more confident than Pam, just more willing to leave herself vulnerable. It seems probable that a budding relationship between Jim and Karen will result in a sea change for Pam, and she'll get enough balls (proverbially) to, for once in her life, actually go after something. So, I'm sure that will be nice for her. I just think it's foolish to believe that Pam is somehow "better" primarily on the basis that she isn't as pretty. Sometimes pretty people have as much or more depth than frumpy people. Frumpiness alone is not a virtue.

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