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October 07, 2006


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Hi Manogirl,
Thanks for the honest review of this show. It is hard to find a review that doesn’t either entirely trash The Pirate Queen, or sing its praises so syrupy that you know something must be wrong…
so it was nice to find a review from someone like your self who provides a look at both sides of the coin.

We will be seeing it tomorrow, and we are pretty excited, but after reading some of the reviews, I am a bit nervous...

Did you happen to read the story associated with this play? From what I understand it is based on the book "Grania: She-King of the Irish Seas" by Morgan Llywelyn

If you have not read it, I would highly recommend it. (or at least put it on your list of books to get to 'someday')

Talk about your strong feminine characters... Grania was really quite the passionate figure in history… Too bad they tend to leave most strong women out of historical text.

From some of the reviews I have read, reading this book may also help explain for some, many of the holes that apparently were left in the play when they attempted to portray it on the stage.

just wanted to drop a note and thank you for the review...

Oh, and by the way, Cool blog!

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