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September 08, 2006


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I understand where you are coming from, I think it is rude to invite people to a wedding shower if they are not invited to the wedding, however I am going to point this out. At my work, as you know at a school, teachers throw wedding showers for other teachers all the time, but there is a difference, because we all pay "social dues" at the beginning of the school year, and they use that money to then buy gifts for the showers, whether it be baby or wedding. So I could possibly see where this wedding shower at the library came about, kind of, sort of, was it strictly a library wedding shower, I mean no outsiders came in, did they, then I kind of understand it, but not really, I feel like the school showers make more sense. Just thought I would add my input. However, our showers are always after school, so if you don't feel like going it's no big deal, and no one would notice or care.


that was a long sentence katy! :) Its wierd manogirl. It was as if they didn't want to exclude people, so they did a blanket invite, but forgot that perhaps it would make people feel worse.


I hate work showers. I was sort of offended to be included in an invitation for a work baby shower. She worked on a different floor, in a different department, and I didn't even know her last name. Mostly, though, I was offended because only the women in the building were invited. Like, just because I have a uterus doesn't mean I care about your baby. That was easier, though, because it was held on a different floor, so I just didn't participate. I will participate when the assistant on our floor has a baby shower, because I am friends with her and see her every day.

I think a wedding shower is just different, though. Like I can understand birthday cards/cakes (we do that, too) because everyone gets those once a year. Weddings are just asking for hurt feelings. My coworker recently got married and I was invited to the wedding, but not any of the showers or anything, and they didn't throw a shower at work for him - maybe because he's a him, but I think because it's rude to expect a gift when you're not inviting them to the wedding. I actually think if you're getting married out of the country a shower would be more appropriate because probably no one would go. And so everyone could feel ok. But I'm babbling now.

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