That was a bit of a silence, huh? Mostly, S and I are in a very stressful spot while we adjust to our new schedules. We've been fighting quite a bit, simply because we're having to learn again how to live with one another. I feel as if the only things I'd be talking about here would be that and crap about how the apartment isn't perfect, but I like the city, blah blah blah. A lot of navel-gazing and complaining, not that this blog has ever been anything else...but it just felt way worse than normal. I'm hoping that as things get better at home, I'll start thinking again. I can't guarantee anything, though.
Anyway, S and I both had today off, because we're both working Saturday, so we went to a movie. We saw "Little Miss Sunshine" (and on Friday, we saw "Talladega Nights"--whoa, two movies in four days?), which was INCREDIBLY enjoyable. I actually think I laughed more in LMS than in that stupid Will Ferrell movie; not sure that S agrees. Part of the reason LMS was so good was the characters. I felt like they were well-built, and nuanced. I felt that no character was bad enough to hate, but none of them, save the child, was so good that they were cloying. And the performances were top-notch. I was especially impressed by Paul Dano (who plays silent teenager Dwayne), and look forward to seeing him in "Fast Food Nation", which is of course directed by Linklater. S and I saw a preview for that one, which only whetted my appetite. (Is it whet? Or whetted? No clue. I'm going to stick with my original thought, whetted.)
Anyway, I recommend Little Miss Sunshine, but not that other crappy Nascar movie.
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