1. How tall are you barefoot? On a good day, when I stand up straight, 5' nothing.
2. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes.
3. Do you own a gun? No thank you.
4. What do you think of hot dogs? I like turkey dogs a lot, and I do think that nothing beats a hot dog at a ballpark. Wrigley, to be exact.
5. What's your favorite Christmas song? "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" which is sort of ironic considering my godless state.
6. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water.
7. Do you do push-ups? Ha. No. Never have, either.
8. Have you ever done ecstasy? No, but I know people who have and felt like it was the most fucked-up thing they ever did.
9. Do you like Disney World? Oh my god yes, which is ironic because I tend towards anti-corporate.
10. Do you like the rain? Yes, I love it. Especially on a day that I don't have to go to work, when I can sit all curled up on the couch, warm and reading. Okay, so I like fall/winter rain.
11. Do you own a knife? I brought a Swiss-Army doohickie to Italy, to cut cheese and bread and tomatoes and stuff, and that was handy. But I can't say where it is now.
12. What do you smell like? Peaches, as always.
13. Do you have A.D.D.? No.
14. Full initials? Well, if my initials are ever monogrammed, it's a body part.
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I'm hungry. This show is awful. I wonder if I should eat popcorn.
16. Name the last 3 things you have bought today. Tomatoes, baby Bellas (mushrooms from a farm in WI that I've been meaning to go to for ages) and two small ciabatta rolls at the Green market. Only purchases of the day so far, and well worth every penny I spent.
17. Name five drinks
you regularly drink. Yeah, there's only two things I ever drink. Water and Caffeine-free diet coke.
18. What time did you wake up today? 7:36 when I crawled out of bed, 20 minutes after my alarm went off.
19. Can you spell? Yes, must have been all those elementary school spelling tests.
Current worries? I'm not sure I can wear my contacts tomorrow. My allergies are way worse. I hope that the drive isn't odious tomorrow.
21. Current hate? Erm. I hate lots of stuff, but I can't think of anything right now.
22. Favorite place to be? Well, I like bed. But I like the shower too. And Italy.
23. Least favorite place to be? Southern. California.
24. Where do you want to go? ROME.
Do you own slippers? No. I hate any sort of foot encumbrances, even in the winter.
26. Where do you think you will be in 10 years? Ha. As if I can see that far ahead.
27. Do you burn or tan? I don't. At all. I'm the amazing colorless girl.
28. Yellow or blue? Yellow, hands down.
29. Would you give up your current life to be a pirate? Um, no way. I don't like grog and I'm not so enamored of the sea.
30. Last time your cell rang? Last night, my cousin Sketch called for S and my new address.
31. What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually whatever song is in my head. Although, I don't sing very often in the shower. I mostly now sing in the car or at my desk.
32. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Did I fear something? It was probably throwing-up. I was afraid of throwing up.
33. How much cash do you have on you? I think six dollars. Maybe seven. I got money out of the ATM this morning for the Green Market (I always forget that only cash works at the market.), and whatever is in my wallet is what is left.
Last thing that made you laugh? Out loud. Hmmm, can't remember. It was probably S. I don't know if I laughed when he called on his lunch, though I know I made some sort of happy/surprised sound, because he had a good story for me.
35. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Oh, I loved the Snoopy/Peanuts gang rainbow sky ones. The gang was in the sky, with rainbows, hanging out. I think my mom might still have them?
Worst injury you've ever had? Not sure. Maybe my head wound as a child? (I took a spill into the corner of the Little People house.)
37. Where have you been out of US? England, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Italy.
38. Who is your loudest friend? Yeah, no.
39. Who is your most silent friend? Most silent? Really?
40. Does someone have a crush on you? If it's not S, I don't want to know.
41. Do you wish on stars? Mostly on the time 11:11, actually.
42. What song did you last hear? Oh god, I hate typing this, but a live version of "Off the Record" that S was forcing on me last night.
What song do you want played at your funeral? Never thought about it. I hope that my family or S would choose something appropriate, something that I loved. NO PEARL JAM, S!
44. What were you doing at 12:00 last night? Sleeping.
45. First thought upon waking up this morning? Crap, I don't have any cash for the green market.