Remember when I was trying to cook one new dish a week? Yeah, that fell by the wayside when summer and its incredible bounty of events happened. And then the move, and well, you can see how the meals stopped coming. We simply stopped cooking altogether.
However, since we're settling in, and since we can no longer afford to eat out constantly (and even though we are in a place where we could happily eat out constantly), we've been cooking. At first, we limited it to normal, boring things like chicken patties and hot dogs and egg sandwiches and lean cuisines and frozen pizzas. But then I took out the slow cooker S's mom gave me for my birthday and decided to experiment. Last week I made a roast that was intended to be a French Dip. It wasn't really a french dip, so much as it was a roast we made into sandwiches because dammit, I bought rolls! It tasted fairly pleasant, though I thought it was over-spiced and a little bit dry. (S is a freak, however, and likes meat dry. He prefers dry Thanksgiving turkey to moist, and I guess the same is true of a roast.) It was by no means the best thing I've ever cooked (the barley...or the turkey sausage Giada pasta would be the contender for that crown), but it wasn't bad, either.
So tonight, we invited my mom and sister over and I'm attempting another roast. This one will have potatoes and carrots in the mix, instead of the subpar potatoes of last week (mashed, disaster. I apparently do not have the knack for knowing when my potatoes are done.). And I'm making corn on the cob, purchased at the local green market. We had this same corn on the cob last week and it was fabulous. Also, I bought some frozen rolls at WF, because they're fat free! and they look tasty! and my sister just might refuse to eat the meat I've cooked, and so I'm trying very hard to provide her with many food options. Just so she doesn't feel like she HAS to eat a turkey hot dog. Which we have, and will cook for her, but still.
The roast and veggies are in the cooker now, and have been for a half hour. I've become one of those annoying people that likes to get up early, and do stuff. I'm not kidding. I woke up at 6:05 this morning, quite naturally, and feel wonderful now. And I wasn't even resentful of the getting up. Of course, I did pass out on the couch last night around 10, which might explain the waking up so early. Nonetheless, I now vastly prefer this than the other option, which is to mess completely with my schedule by sleeping in on the weekend.
God, I'm lame.