Our building is in the midst of a plumbing upgrade. Hence the no running water on the day of the move, and the fact that S had no water yesterday, and will have none today. Last week, the plumbing upgrade only caused a few problems--one faucet had so much sediment build-up it wouldn't work, the shower pressure is laughable, the water was brown and filled with black sediment for a few minutes after the faucet was started--but this week, things have gone from unpleasant to downright unacceptable. Yes, friends, there was no hot water this morning. And I let it RUN and run and run. I finally decided I could take a cold shower, stepped into the shower and put my leg in it and decided, no, no I could not stick my head voluntarily under that cold water.
Hence, I am unshowered. Unshowered and miserable. I did get to work insanely early, but that's because I left the house WAY before I normally would have. And I would have rather gotten here later in exchange for a hot shower. Boy would I. I'd heard other people complaining about the lack of hot water to the building engineer, but we didn't have that problem, so I figured it was a localized problem. I don't think so anymore. If the water isn't getting hot after work today, I'm afraid I'll be calling my sister and asking if I can come shower at her place. I can't go two days without a shower, and if it's not hot later, there's no guarantee it'll be hot tomorrow. I figure we should give the building time to do their upgrade, and complain after that. If the upgrade doesn't help, we'll be putting in work orders until the situation is fixed. People need to wash. I mean, I'd even take lukewarm water. But cold, no. Cold water is bad.
On a more positive note, I've already grown to love the fog-shrouded view of the city I get when I'm driving down Lake Shore. It's not the Loop, just residential buildings with the big city in the background, but it makes me happy. It makes me feel full somehow, and gives me enough to get through the commute. And I love coming home to the city. A long commute in the afternoon is okay, because I know when I get home, I'll be in the city. People told me that I would love it, and I wasn't sure, but I'm pretty sure now. I like our apartment (water issues and all--though if the hot water doesn't come on soon, I reserve the right to change that opinion), I like the park across the street, and the city behind us. I like knowing that I'm five minutes from good stuff. I like walking to the drug store and grocery store. I like it. I like it all.