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July 07, 2006


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Moving seriously sucks - but now you're done! Yay!
Welcome to Chicago! :)


You can probably buzz people up. In my last apartment, I didn't have a land line- just a cell phone, but as long as I had a phone hooked into the jack, people could use the intercom to get in.

I'm glad you've moved and are getting settled. It's such a stressful thing! but now you can relax and start to enjoy your swanky new surroundings.

:) Cassie


Congratulations, you survived!! Even though there might be minor things to fix around the apartment, remember where you are living, CHICAGO, and all the extremely fabulous things you are now going to be able to experience now that you're LIVING IN THE CITY!!!!!


I'll echo the sentiments of the others. The worst day in the city is better than the best day in the suburbs. Well, maybe not....but the average day in the city is a million times better.


Congratulations! I need periodic city fixes to survive and can't wait to get back once my kids are out of the house. The problem is that we could get stuck where we are. Once back dont. move. ever. Enjoy! S.N.

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