And not from booze. I didn't drink at all. Rather, it was the lack of sleep that's given me this atrocious muddled feeling and the intense need to eat grease. (I caved and ate salsa and chips from Chili's. Their chips are deliciously greasy--in a good way, I swear.)
Sleeping in a dorm? Still not fun. Thank god I only stayed a night, because otherwise I'd be half-way to death right now. The bed was harder than any bed I'm comfortable on, and I like hard mattresses. The room was hot, hot, hot all day, because of the lack of air conditioning, and a fan that just wasn't cutting it. (Although, the room did cool off around 3:15 am. More on that in a minute.) And the noises--even with earplugs--doors slamming, voices, cars outside, the whirr of the fan--were out of control. It took me a long time to drift into an uneasy sleep, and then when I really fell, I was awoken by MASSIVE commotion in the hall. Doors SLAMMING, loud voices, possibly puking?, and this at 3:15 am. I tried really hard to fall back asleep, but ended up finishing a book and just staring at the ceiling for a few hours, at least. The sleep I did get, after that, was incredibly uneasy, and very dozy. I think I probably got around four hours of sleep. Ick.
However, the rest of the reunion was okay. I mean, I got to see my closest girlfriends from college, and that was worth it. But I just wasn't interested in mingling with people I was never interested in mingling with five years ago. I did see one girl that though I wouldn't consider a close friend, was someone I liked very much. It was shocking to find her married and pregnant--because I always consider those things shocking--but it was a nice little reunion, that one.
I'm also considerably better at one-on-one situations than group ones, and all this was was one big group situation, which left me feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable a lot of the time. Still, that's a small complaint, because I did get to spend copious amounts of time with my small group of close friends. It's just the rest of it that made me unhappy.
So yes, the reunion was far better than expected, and happily over for another five years. Who the hell knows where five years will find me? Not me.
Glad to hear it wasn't too tramatic! :)
My five year was last summer and I ended up skipping it. I thought a lot about going until my ex contacted me to ask if I would be there b/c she didn't think she could handle seeing me again. Ugh. From what other people told me, I didn't miss much - most people were in grad school and not doing much else. I think I'm going to to ten year though; I'm sure some interesting stuff will have happened by then.
Posted by: comebacknikki | June 04, 2006 at 07:17 PM