Yes, I'm coming down with a cold. It was only a matter of time before being out in public again with actual people would catch up with me; my boss had a disaster of a cold last week. Add to that S's recent mini-cold, and I think what we have here is a whopper headed straight for, well, my head.
This is disastrous for many reasons. Some of them: I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, I have a birthday dinner for my poodge at a very expensive, delicious (oh, sweet taste buds, still function tomorrow, please...) restaurant, I have to go to work, I have to clean the house today before the gross-ness overtakes S and I, and lastly, I have a birthday dinner for my mom on Friday at a very delicious restaurants AND tickets to Second City for her birthday so if I am not better by then I will be very, very pissed off. I know I won't be better by tomorrow, but my body better start kicking this cold's ass right now.
Off to take Cold-eeze.