I don't know if you've noticed this, but my sister and I seem to have switched places. After I read her *second* post of the day, I realized how incredibly strange it is that one year ago today, we were in completely opposite positions in the world; I was doing the school thing, and she was working full-time. I don't think I realized how much work is affecting my blogging until tonight, really. It's not a life or death situation, but it's symptomatic of how things have changed since I've started full-time work. (Yes, in just a week.)
I'm just beat when I get home. I'm not sure why, since my job isn't grueling, and it isn't even really mentally taxing (I don't think I'm going to get in trouble if I say here that the biggest challenge I'm going to have at my job is to keep from being bored. I still haven't figured out in my head how much I want to talk about work on the blog, so until I do, I may preface everything I say with some sort of disclaimer. No one wants to be dooced, and I really don't want to be dooced one week into a job.). I think it's just the effort involved. Anyway, the point is, I'm not quite mentally on top of things the way I was before. I'm sort of living day to day, making sure the right things get done (laundry, cleaning, food shopping) and pulling myself out of bed in the morning. I don't anticipate this sort of fatigue to last long (god, I hope not, anyway), because there are things I'd like to do at night. Besides sit on my ass. I really do want to resume some sort of work-out, but right now, I'm not sure I have the energy to change my clothes twice more before bed.
And yes, the blog will probably suffer, at least until I determine if I want to blog at work. (There is certainly time for it, but is it appropriate?) It's less thinky, and will be less thinky until I can start thinking about things other than work. (The amount of time I've spent reviewing various work things in my head in the past week is crazy. When I'm not reading or staring blankly into space, I'm trying to remember what goes where and how I do that--and what about that? It's just a lot to learn in four days--which is all the time I had with my predecessor--and then fly without any sort of safety net. Really. My department is just me. The person before me basically built the entire department from the ground up, and she was the only one who really knew it in detail. And now that person is me. Four days later, me. It's daunting.) Anyway, if I seem to blog less, well, that's why.
And if I seem less intelligent, it's only because I'm turning my intelligence towards library things.
You couldn't seem "less intelligent" if you tried! You are doing great. It will get easier as you get more used to the routine. S.N.
Posted by: | January 10, 2006 at 06:36 PM
Just wanted you to know I feel the same, hence, why I haven't blogged in months. I just don't feel like doing ANYTHING when I get home. And I as well don't have a remarkably hard job that requires a lot of stress or thinking to that matter at times. It's hard to get motivated when I work. As for the working out regime, I think you must go as soon as you get home from work if that's possible, or go straight from work to working out. That is the ONLY way I was able to keep up with it. Just thought I'd let you know I'm not alone. I am going to make myself start blogging again at the beginning of Feb. I figured I'd give myself Jan. to be nothing but lazy!
Posted by: Kt La | January 13, 2006 at 04:05 PM