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January 09, 2006


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You couldn't seem "less intelligent" if you tried! You are doing great. It will get easier as you get more used to the routine. S.N.

Kt La

Just wanted you to know I feel the same, hence, why I haven't blogged in months. I just don't feel like doing ANYTHING when I get home. And I as well don't have a remarkably hard job that requires a lot of stress or thinking to that matter at times. It's hard to get motivated when I work. As for the working out regime, I think you must go as soon as you get home from work if that's possible, or go straight from work to working out. That is the ONLY way I was able to keep up with it. Just thought I'd let you know I'm not alone. I am going to make myself start blogging again at the beginning of Feb. I figured I'd give myself Jan. to be nothing but lazy!

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