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December 18, 2005


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I don't think you are evil. I tend to agree with some of what you say. I think that most of the time families use it as an excuse because they simply can't afford to buy xmas gifts. The American Society is very materialistic and no matter how many people sya and think "it's not the doller value that counts, it's the thought", the way the media protrays xmas presents, it's all about the doller value. And when you don't thave the means and feel like the world around will either make fun of you or simply put you down and show off, you may find other reasons to explain you limited present buying. Does this make any sense?


Yes, but I still think it's ridiculous rhetoric. Like I said, it's not about how much or how little you spend, but how the gift touches the receiver of the gift. No one should have to take a defensive position, either, about how little or how much they spend. Anyone who makes fun of people who have smaller Christmases or shows off to the same people is a crappy person anyway. I hope that's not the impression I'm giving.

I guess I'm just saying that not giving gifts at all isn't a solution for the out of control materialism of American society.

I tend to agree with C. For some people they really want to give thoughtful gifts but just don't have the means to do it. It's a very hard thing to admit to someone that you just don't have the money to buy gifts and homemade gifts still cost money for supplies. (This coming from someone who has told her family and friends that they will not be receiving gifts this year.) But I do agree that not giving gifts out of principle isn't a solution for materialism. I think a lot of people forget that they best gifts aren't ones that can wrapped up with a bow. Okay, I'll stop before I start sounding too cheesy.

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