S and I made tacos for dinner tonight. This is remarkable a) because we haven't cooked in five million years and b) we had enough clean dishes to actually cook dinner. Seriously, we haven't cooked anything that involves actual meat in ages. So long that I can't remember the last time. I think that part of the reason that my diet went so haywire is that we just stopped making the effort to eat real food. (As opposed to fake, cooked in a restaurant food.)
I also did many errands today, such as returning some hosiery to a department store, sending a colorbook out (which ended up being abso-freaking-lutely disastrous), and buying enough cross-stitch thread to stretch to, I don't know, Rome. Mom, congratulations! You now possess the most complete selection of blue floss this side of the Mississippi. There is a bewildering variety of different blues. It took me almost a half hour to figure out which ones weren't in our possession and which ones I should buy of the ones we didn't have. Also, I'm chagrined by the fact that the craft store I went to only had ONE (ONE!!!) black aida. I wanted 16-count black aida, that I could buy for cheap. But no. I had to buy more expensive, 14-count aida.
Small things, I know. Because all day, while I was driving around, I was thinking about spousal notification and how STUPID it is. I'm not sure I can make a better argument than Bitch PhD, so I really won't even try. We're playing fast and loose with women's lives here. Spousal notification accomplishes what? Less women will have abortions because their husbands will beat the idea out of them? Or wait, I know! Since women are supposed to be submissive, this will prevent abortions, because the husband can just forbid (!) the woman to get an abortion and VOILA! no abortion. Because everyone knows that any good woman promises to obey her husband, right in the wedding vows.
Listen, I think there are plenty of reasons a woman might not want to tell her husband she's getting an abortion. And I don't think it's any of our business to get up in her marriage and force confessions. What is the government now, marriage counselors? We just can't start down this path; what makes it so troubling is that we're turning the woman in the marriage into a child, with no right to make her own decisions. It's hard to express this nicely, so fuck it. Men who care so intensely about abortion care about it because the idea of a woman being able to be an autonomous human being and make such a life-altering decision scares the bejesus out of them. You can say it's about life, but it's not, and I'm banging the drum again, because it's not about life when you let people starve and you let people die for lack of health care. It's not about life when you're cutting early education programs, and sex education programs and any program that works for the good of people the right doesn't consider their equals. Why the hell do these people concentrate on piddly little issues that do so fucking little to improve the lives of their constituents? Outlawing abortion won't make any one person's quality of life better--point blank. Lives will get harder, and the government still won't help single mothers (all mothers?) by creating a mother-friendly workplace, and a health care system that works. And, it's been said five million times before, but I'll say it again. Women will die. It's as simple as that, really, to me. Overturning Rove v. Wade has the potential to harm hundreds and hundreds of women. Thousands, all. Keeping abortion legal just makes sense to me.
So yeah, we ate tacos. Yum.
(Update: Frontline is running a riveting abortion program tonight, about Mississippi, and the last abortion clinic in that state. The audacity of these white people (and make no bones about it, most of the anti-choice [not pro-life] people are white) to think that they know what's best for every friggin' woman in America is horrifying. The more I read about this, the more I watch, the more afraid I am. Women have ended pregnancies from the moment they could recognize which plants were abortifacents; making abortion illegal won't stop it. And the people who think it will are ignorant. There's no two ways about it. You can reduce the number of abortions in this country, but making abortions hard to get isn't the right way to go about it. Fuck, I hate this shit.)