Looking at the TV guide, I noticed that one of the "60 Minutes" segments was about Plan B (the morning-after pill, if you didn't know). Silly me, I thought I could watch it without sending my blood pressure rocketing and without steam pouring out of my ears. I thought I wouldn't grit my teeth or want to yell obscenities at the television. As you can probably guess, I was wrong. I'm angry, I'm angry as hell. I wanted to hurl the glass in front of me at the face of whatever person appears next--save for the fact that I really can't afford to buy a new TV, I might have. I was cross-stitching while watching, and I'm surprised blood isn't pouring out of my fingers; I'm also sure that every stitch I pulled during that twenty minute period is one of tightest on the whole piece of aida I'm using.
But more than that, I'm afraid. I'm angry because I'm afraid. I'm afraid that religion is hijacking our government, or rather, I'm afraid that fundamental Christians are taking over our government. I've been this afraid for a long time, but lately, it's been reaching fever pitch. I just don't understand, which is part of the problem. I don't understand how one person's religion can make them act against the common good. I don't understand why religion is more important than women's health, or fighting AIDS throughout the world. I can't get it through my head. I'm a pretty smart girl, but I'm an idiot when it comes to understanding fundamentalism. I don't understand it in ANY religion, but most of all, I don't understand it here. Honestly.
I believe that this country hasn't always been the best at freedom and equality. We killed Native Americans in the most passive aggressive (and aggressive) ways possible, and we enslaved people simply because they looked different. We held that a class of people were so unequal as to deny them the vote and we gave in to fear in the 40's and interned AMERICANS in wires and huts. But I think that part of what makes America America is that we move forward from those bad ideas, and we work hard at making things right. I have to believe these things to be an American, because I'm sure that this country isn't the best in the world (what a fucking meaningless designation, anyway. Best in terms of what?), but it is my country, and I love it. But I love it so much that it hurts me to see these people trying to make it a place where you have to love the same god as them to be a full citizen.
Because I don't care what god you worship, or what you believe, as long as you keep it to what you believe. Does that make sense? I don't want our government to have beliefs. It's not okay for a government to have religious ideals. And sadly, what scares me the most right now is that it seems to be a bigger and bigger thing that the people who run our government fall all over themselves to prove that they too have a god and that their god will prompt them to do things that he would want them to do. We seem to be perilously close to a religion-based government, and that Plan-B report just hammered it home to me. The people who tabled Plan-B going OTC did so for no reason that can be explained with facts or scientific data. They listened to no one in the medical community and no scientists whose job it is to investigate these matters. It seems to me that the only thing they did listen to was their god and religion.
And I find that fucking scary. This is happening in my country, and it makes me sick. It makes me sick at heart. It's a bad day when you feel ashamed of your country, but it's a worse day when you feel ashamed to call yourself American. I'm too close to that feeling for comfort.