Wanna see my pumpkin? I bet you do. But before I reveal it, I just want to say that it's nowhere NEAR as good as Kate's, but that it's so much better than last year's lamey pumpkin that I was voted most improved pumpkin carver. Theoretically, I could have won a prize, but my sister won the best pumpkin (only because last year's winner really won again but absolutely REFUSED to take the prize) prize and my mom hated the idea of her two daughters (and the co-hostesses of the party) winning the only two prizes. Alas, the nerd ghost pin is not mine.
This pumpkin, while cute, is sadly just as lopsided as last year's. I just don't have the hang of symmetry. Oh well. Happy Halloween!
Update: To see the process of carving, check out S's carving gallery.
Yay for pumpkins! :)
Happy Halloween!
Posted by: comebacknikki | October 31, 2005 at 05:08 PM
I want to say two things.....
the expereince..it's all about the experience and the spark of creativity. You used your own imagination and not a pattern...that dserves extra points in my book. Your pumpkin looks really good in the picture and not at all like the pig it did that night.....
Posted by: C | October 31, 2005 at 06:35 PM
Truly Katie's won. You all just liked mine becuz of the little ghosts on the back, Katie challenged herself more. But I thank you for trying to recognize me as the winner again! And I really do like your pumpkin, I find the eyes to be very interesting! Have fun in Disney World!
Posted by: Katy | October 31, 2005 at 08:04 PM