I don't have too much to say today (though a post about the ethically bankrupt people in government [be they Republican or Democrat] is fermenting in my head. So instead, here are some links to things that I've enjoyed recently.
- A list of commonly mispronounced words. I'm pretty sure that I don't err in this way very often. There were a couple of words on the list that I refrain from saying, normally, because I wasn't sure how to pronounce them, but know I know.
- A list of the 100 most commonly misspelled words. I am guilty on so many of these (not so good with the i before e rule; I also forget all the time which words have double letters) so thank god for spell check. I do think that the it's/its rule is more of a grammar thing--but it drives me CRAZY when people misuse the words. It is so freakin' easy to remember the rule on it's/its. The apostrophe, in the English language, often takes the place of a letter. In the word "it's", the apostrophe is an i. Hence, if you say this, "The cow was chewing it's cud," you are saying, "The cow was chewing it is cud." Clearly, that's not what you want to be saying.
- I've been reading Gaper's Block at least once a week. I like to look at the strange events happening in the city, even though most likely, I will never go to any of them. (To be fair, I did drag my mom and sister to the Renegade Craft Fair, due to information from GB. The craft fair was a BUST, but not because of the crafts. No, the mud made it positively unpleasant [isn't that an awesome oxymoron!] and hence, we didn't have fun.) GB makes it seem like there is always something fun going on in the city, and for some reason, that appeals to me.
- The GIANT SQUID. For some weird reason, I find the squid fascinating. I mean, it's such a mythical creature, and the fact that no one has ever seen one in its natural habitat is baffling to me. Humans can go to the moon, but they can't find a 26 foot-long giant squid in the ocean? It seems like if we can do one, we can do the other. Strange, right? And then I saw this (pleeeeeeease click the link) and almost bought one. You know what's weird? Me. I can't believe I'm this excited about a stupid giant squid.
- I can't deny that I'm in love with THIS site. I have a weakness for the wee kitties. I suppose that it won't go away ever, and that S should just admit right now that at some point, he'll break down and allow me to get a damn cat. Even if it does mean he'll need shots.
- I have a weakness (that I've never indulged) for vintage jewelry. Mostly brooches. I found the Absolutely Vintage site once, while looking, and I go back now and again to check the newest additions to the site. It's hard to know what the pieces will look like in person, but sometimes I think that it doesn't so much matter. I just like window-shopping, as it were.