Okay internets, I need some help. S insists on keeping EVERY SINGLE CD case from every CD he's ever purchased (or acquired in other ways). Probably 500 CDs. Maybe more. However, he keeps most of his CDs in books.
I personally divested myself of all my CD cases years ago. The question is, am I right to insist that S start getting rid of CD cases? He insists that he must keep them all; I think he needs to get rid of all but the most important ones (such as, duh, Pearl Jam). He says that they don't take up too much room, but I think that as he collects more CDs (and more and more CDs) it's going to get OUT OF HAND. I think he should begin now, so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the task in a few years.
Who is right? Should S begin the process of getting rid of CD cases? Or should I just say fuck it, and accept the ever-growing collection of cases?
(I don't mind, of course, if he keeps the liner notes and art from the CDs. It's the cases I object to.)
Cna he put them in storage....as for who is right---oh geez....i'm not getting in the middle....just kidding
Posted by: the paddler | September 21, 2005 at 09:01 PM
Choose your battles! As long as he keeps them out of your personal space, let him have them. If someday he becomes overwhelmed by them,he can do something about it then. S.N.
Posted by: | September 21, 2005 at 09:31 PM
The worst thing I ever did in my relationship with toad was push her to get rid of something that was important to her that was taking up a ridiculous amount of space.
Don't do it!
Posted by: frog | September 22, 2005 at 03:58 PM