Yesterday, S decided to have a bowl of cereal for his snack after work, as he often does. Being that we were at my Poodge's house, however, the cereal offerings were slightly different, and after some deliberation, S chose Cocoa Krispies. I, even though I proclaim my dislike for sugar cereals, have a weak spot for cocoa flavored cereals, including Krispies and Puffs. So when S left his bowl of cereal on the counter to get a tissue, I took a bite of the cereal. It was delicious, so I took another bite. In the meantime, S came back in the kitchen and asked me if I just wanted to eat the whole bowl. I pretended to run off with it, and went to give it back, but not before stuffing another spoonful of cereal into my already full mouth. I'm not sure if he laughed first, or if I did, but first I snorted, and blew cereal out of the bowl all over the counter. Then, lauging hard, milk started leaking out of my mouth. I went to the sink, let the milk go--and at this point, S was hysterical, I was hysterical--and the krispies started coming out. I narrowly avoided choking, there were krispies in a smushy mess in the sink, and milk on the floor. As well as the mess on the counter from where I snorted the cereal out of the bowl. S decided to get himself a new bowl, declining the old one, thinking there might be snot in it. I cleaned myself up and ate the bowl of cereal. What choice did I have?
And today, I came home intending to get things done. I started by picking up, unpacking a little bit, and just making sure things were in order. I wanted to do a load of laundry, but I didn't know what I had, so I decided on towels. I picked up some from the floor of the bathroom, took the ones on the towel rack off of the towel rack, and got a couple out of the bedroom, and put them in. Then, I decided it'd be best if I got all of our dirty clothes in one place, so that when S showed up with the rest of the week's dirty clothes I'd be ready to go. I started in the bathroom, leaning over to pick up a pile of underwear and t-shirts from the bathroom floor. As I stood up, I WHACKED the top of my head HARD on the corner of the now-bare towel rack. It hit so hard I thought I might be bleeding (it was a somewhat sharp corner). Thank god, no. But it still hurts like a bitch, as well as lending a dull ache to the afternoon. I just felt that part of my head now, and there is a gigantic (GIGANTIC) bump on my head. Could I be clumsier? No, don't answer that.