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June 14, 2005


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I know I told you that you looked good after we ate at DOC but I wasn't saying you look good because you lost weight. I thought you looked good because there was a healthy glow to your face and overall being. So I retract my incomplete compliment and ask that you replace it with "Hey Ang that healthy glow on your face and overall being looks good." I will be more clear in the future so that you can enjoy a compliment when it is intended to be a compliment rather than a comparitive statement as to how you may have looked at one time or another.

I can't tell you the number of times that people tell me, after they haven't seen me in a while..."hey you've lost some weight" Well, I haven't gained or lost any significant weight since 1978. I came to realize that everyone that said this had a mistaken mental image of Jim the human bowling ball and that I did look good compared to their mental picture. At least they were surprised that I looked thinner than they thought which may have distracted them enough to not utter "Geez, didn't you used to have hair?"

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