I'm sorry, I'm confused.
You see, I had thought that Saddam Hussein posed a grave danger to the world--at least, that's what I was told--and now I'm sitting here thinking that there might be other people far more dangerous.
North Korea doesn't seem to be the nicest country on the planet, and Iran's not so great either. And of course, if you've read the Downing Street Memo, you know that I'm not quite alone in thinking this.
So now, I'm sitting here thinking that maybe Bush isn't such a great guy (oh, no, wait, I thought that before) and that maybe him and his little group of buddies in the WH had some ulterior motive for going into Iraq and kicking Saddam's ass. I mean, yeah, it's not like Saddam's a nice guy, but there have been far worse men as leaders that we've done nothing about. And if we're talking about a population living in terror, let's talk about Darfur. But wait, according to Jill over at feministe, it's been 141 days since the word Darfur has crossed our dear leader's lips. So I'm having a hard time buying that second rationale too.
In fact, I can't think of a good reason why Bush wanted us there, other than the fact that Saddam wasn't nice to his daddy, and his buddies in the corporate world needed billions of dollars more in revenue from corrupt contracts in Iraq. Oh, and in America, oil is king.
We're assholes, man. And we're being led by the A-#1 alpha-asshole. Shouldn't we be more worried? Some people think so. Check out After Downing Street, an organization hoping to at least get some sort of inquiry made into whether or not GWB made impeachable actions during the whole Iraq shebang.
I think that when all is said and done, history will look back on GW's presidency and call it the most corrupt (or one of the most corrupt) presidencies in history. Whether or not he's investigated, whether or not it yields anything right now, I do believe that one day the truth about this guy (and his slick, icky friends) will come out. I promise not to stick my tongue out and say "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah."