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April 19, 2005


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"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". The risk and magnitude of hurt when you let people in and they leave on you is directly proportional to the joy you experience when you let them in and they stay. If you want to feel joy you have to risk pain...there isn't any way around that. You learn to temper the pain by focusing on the joy. Even if someone was in your life for a short time, remember the joy, the good things and choose to discard the bad feelings. As an intelligent being we are capable of making this kind of choice.

You should watch "This Old Cub" if you want to see someone that has chosen to remain thankful and positive for what he has and had and not bitter over that which he lost. In the face of incredible misfortune and pain this is one man that never settled for self pity or negativity. Very inspiring.

Like a really good bottle of wine, I'm sad when it's done but have no regrets about enjoying it while it was around! I just keep my options open so that I don't miss the next one.


My former sister-in-law was one of my best friends. We were closer to each other than we were to our own sisters and expressed our love for each other regularly. Now she won't acknowledge that I exist. She didn't even acknowledge the wedding gift that I sent her. I still cry when I talk about how disappointed I am to have lost this friend. Like you, I'd take her back in a heartbeat. My solace comes in knowing that I didn't do anything wrong and knowing that ultimately, it's her loss. But I don't regret the love we shared and I won't give up on having it again with someone else. Friendships like that build slowly so just open your heart and give your trust one step at a time.


I highly recommend you read the book Secrets & Confidences (it's posted on my blog) - a good collection of essays by women addressing the issues w/adult friendships. There's a particularly interesting one about the friendship break-up.

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