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April 23, 2005


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I just want you to know you're not alone in the feeling of video games and guys in their 20's. However I know mine is a little younger than yours, he is still obsessed with video games. He tries to tell me he doesn't really play them that much, but when I go down to see him on the weekends and walk in to find him playing the video game and instead of turning it off and paying all his attention to me who he hasn't seen in a week or two, he pauses the game gives me a kiss and has me sit down next to him so he can finish the game. However my boy is a sports video gamer, not so much a Halo kinda guy, I dont think. But truthfully maybe in their 30's they'll stop!?!? Who knows, but I'm with ya!


My sister's husband whio is 27, plays his xbox a lot too......i don't get it...except I do really want the DDR game.


My boyfriend just turned 35 & is still obsessed w/video games... it never ends. :P

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