When I was little, and my sister was littler, we attended Vacation Bible School (pretty ironic when considering Kate and I, right?). One day, someone came and made us Vacation Bible School balloon animals. Apparently, balloon animals were very cool to me, because when I got home, I couldn't wait to show my mom and dad the balloon. Unfortunately, we were having a babysitter that day (which was a rarity when I was little), so I had to carefully guard my balloon animal for that special moment when I showed it off to my parents. I must have REALLY loved that thing. My sister's popped at some point, I remember, and I was horrified. I felt so guilty that mine was still extent, and I could show my parents the wonder of it. In fact, at that moment, I knew that I would give my balloon animal is only Kate could have hers back. Looking back, I've realized that this is concrete proof that I love my sister. In fact, whenever anything bad happens to her, I feel embarassed and horrified, and secretly wish it was me, so that she wouldn't have to go through it.
Tonight, S and I went to Roly Poly for dinner (since I had lunch out with a friend--whoops! there go all my points for the day), and he ordered his Roly without any vegetables. He specifically said, "No onion and no mushroom." When we got home, he bit into it, and spat out a mushroom. "Is that a mushroom? Are there mushrooms in this thing?" After some careful attempts at dissection, we ascertained that in fact, there were a shitload of mushrooms running through the thing. He had to throw it away. And now, he still hasn't eaten. At first, he thought that he would order a pizza, but the place that he wants to order it from doesn't have a restaurant around here. So now, he's sitting on the couch, hungry, with nothing to eat. I feel terrible! I wish it would have been mine that was wrong (oh wait, it was. but mine was edibly wrong) because at least then he wouldn't have to suffer. I feel nervous and embarassed for him, and will until he eats food that he wants to eat. Apparently, I also love S.
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