I just finished this book called "Geeks", and it made me think about geekdom, and my place in it. And S's place in it. It's clear we're not the cool kids. First of all, neither of us has any use for sports. Or the outdoors. S's only use for hiking and the outdoors is the thought of taking hundreds of pictures of leaves. Blecch. (Though, to be fair, we do like being outdoors in some cities.) We don't drink. Ever. We don't do drugs. Ever. In fact, we like staying home.
We're pretty geeky. Both of us feel less without our computers, and without internet access, I think I might wither up and die. We really like pop culture, though to be fair, I think I like it less than S. Sometimes, I just don't care who has been cast in what movie.
The thing is, I'm pretty much not a geek. I'm a nerd, and a dork, but not a geek. I don't really give a shit about the technical aspects of a computer. As long as it works, I don't care about anything else. And I don't like online games. Or online chat rooms. None of that traditional "geek" territory. Neither does S, though. So I think we're nerds.
And that's okay. I personally think that everyone has their own brand of weird, and sometimes it's easier to sell my brand to some people than to others. Obviously, S likes my brand of weird, and strange as it is, I like his. And I like my sister's, too. I think I like my sister even though she's my sister. She's a weird girl, but something about her is just cool. She's not unique for the sake of being unique, she's just unique. I like that. And her brand of weird is totally different than mine (for instance, Katrink's obsession with food textures. She doesn't eat samosas because of the texture issue. Nor sandwiches.), but I like it. Anyway, we're all nerdy/geeky/dorky in some way, I know it. No one is truly not. And if you weren't one of the three, I wouldn't want to know you anyway.
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